Friday, December 30, 2005

The Ultimate Christmas Present

While not considered "books" in the truest sense of the word, Visual Education's flashcard sets can provide the user with hours of wintertime entertainment beside the hearth. Jake has contributed a salient review on Vis Ed's most versatile set. - RD

The Blank Cards (1000 – Count, 3 ½ x 1 ½) by Visual Education are one of the most important pedagogical tools for all those interested in learning ancient languages. Because learning languages requires repetition and memorization, these flashcards are the conduits of such a worthy enterprise.

For those of you familiar with Visual Education’s German, French, Greek, Hebrew, et al… flashcards, you will know what to expect. The cards are small enough to carry around comfortably, but large enough to record important information. The cards are made of a lightweight cardboard that is neither too stiff nor too flexible. The printers at Visual Education have mastered the oh-so-difficult technique of creating flashcards amenable to the hand’s palette.

Predictably, Blank Cards are blank. In other words, you will be able to write any information you wish to learn upon these diadems. I prefer to create Hebrew, German, Akkadian, and Ugaritic flashcards, while my wife prefers to inscribe Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, and Greek upon these gems.

The only minor cavil I have with these cards is that their borders are a bit sharp. Cycling through several hundred cards each day creates minor paper cuts that ultimately develop into small calluses. Nevertheless, they are an excellent investment to all those interested in learning languages—and a cheap one at that—only $5.95.

- Jake McCarty


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